Music Therapy isn’t just for children. Adults can benefit from music therapy, too! We provide private in-home sessions. We use a variety of music therapy interventions to meet the individual needs of our clients including neurologic music therapy. Below is information about the areas we focus on. Contact us and we can answer your questions.
Stroke Care
Have you or a loved one had a stroke and still do not feel 100%? Let us help you regain your skills to increase independence and quality of life even if it has been years since your last therapy session. We will use interventions that increase body movement and breath support. Individuals with stroke or TBI challenges are appropriate for music therapy.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Music Therapy techniques are useful for those who want to increase breath support for sound and sentence length. Using familiar music and vocal exercises to help you with your breath support. Respiratory issues, COPD, or other airway disorders are appropriate for music therapy.
Neurologic Challenges
It is difficult on both the family and the individual with neurologic challenges like dementia. Using music, we can help support the individual and the family member.
IMS provides contract services with facilities interested in music therapy services for their clients.
Please get in touch with us with questions about what we can provide for you.

Click on the button below to schedule a 15-minute initial call to see how we can best meet your needs!